What Is the Impact of Electric Scooters on Urban Mobility in the UK?

March 31, 2024

Electric scooters, once an obscure niche of the transport market, have surged in popularity over the past few years. Whether they’re privately owned or part of a shared scooter scheme, these nimble, electric-powered machines are transforming the way we travel in cities. From the bustling streets of London to the historic lanes of Edinburgh, scooters are providing a new mobility option that is efficient, sustainable, and fun. But what is their real impact on urban mobility? Let’s dive in and explore the influence of electric scooters on urban travel in the UK.

The Rise of the Electric Scooter

Electric scooters, or e-scooters as they’re often known, arrived almost out of nowhere. One day, travel was mostly cars, public transport, and bikes; the next, sidewalks and bike lanes were swarming with sleek, silent scooters.

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The rise of e-scooters can be attributed to several factors. The first is the global push towards sustainable and greener modes of transport. Cities worldwide are keen to reduce their carbon footprint, and electric scooters, being emission-free, offer a practical solution.

E-scooters are also incredibly convenient. They’re small, lightweight, and easy to manoeuvre in crowded urban areas. Plus, they’re relatively affordable, especially when compared to owning a car or relying on public transport.

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Finally, the advent of shared scooter schemes has been a game-changer. Companies like Lime and Bird have deployed fleets of scooters in cities across the UK, making them easily accessible to a wide range of users. These shared scooters operate on a pay-per-ride basis, via an app, and are a great option for short journeys around town.

Scooters and Urban Mobility

Now that scooters have established a foothold, it’s worth considering their impact on urban mobility. As a new mode of transport, they have the potential to reshape travel in cities.

One of the most notable effects is the reduction of car usage. Studies have shown that people often choose scooters over cars for short trips, which has a significant impact on reducing traffic and improving air quality in urban centres.

Scooters also enhance the efficiency of public transport systems. They provide a quick and cheap solution for "last-mile" travel, the short distance between a public transport stop and a person’s final destination. This makes public transport a more viable option for many people, further reducing the reliance on cars.

Furthermore, e-scooters can contribute to a more inclusive transport system. They can be used by a wide range of people, including those who may find traditional forms of transport challenging.

The Scholarly View: Scooters and Micromobility

Given the rapid rise of electric scooters, the academic world has taken an interest in their impact on urban mobility. A number of scholarly studies have explored this topic, providing valuable insights.

One area of focus has been the concept of micromobility, which refers to small, lightweight vehicles that operate at speeds typically below 15 mph. E-scooters fit squarely into this category, and studies suggest that they have the potential to significantly increase micromobility in cities.

For instance, a study published in the journal Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2019.102223), found that shared e-scooters have a positive impact on urban micromobility. The researchers concluded that e-scooters provide an effective means of transport for short trips and can complement existing public transport services.

The Users’ Perspective

From a user perspective, the impact of electric scooters on urban mobility is overwhelmingly positive. Many people appreciate the convenience, speed, and fun of scooting. They enjoy the flexibility of being able to pick up a scooter when they need one, and the ease of getting around without having to worry about parking or traffic.

Google reviews of shared scooter services are generally positive, with users praising the convenience and accessibility of the scooters. However, some people do raise concerns about safety and the behaviour of some scooter riders.

From the data gathered, it’s clear that electric scooters have had a significant impact on urban mobility in the UK. They have reshaped the way people travel in cities, reducing reliance on cars, enhancing public transport, and increasing micromobility. However, as with any new technology, there are challenges to overcome. Better regulation, improved safety measures, and public education are needed to ensure that scooters can continue to be part of the sustainable urban transport mix.

Scooter Sharing Systems and Physical Activity

One of the key dimensions of urban mobility is physical activity. Traditionally, modes of transport like walking and cycling have been viewed as an excellent way to incorporate physical activity into daily life. Interestingly, the advent of electric scooters and shared scooter systems has sparked conversations around their contribution to physical activity.

A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17041292) examined scooter users and their physical activity levels. Contrary to some assumptions, the study found that scooter users did not significantly reduce their overall physical activity. In fact, use of shared scooters was associated with a slight increase in overall physical activity levels. This suggests that scooters are being used as an addition to, rather than a replacement for, more traditional forms of active transport.

Moreover, the physical activity associated with electric scooters isn’t limited to simply riding them. Scooter users also engage in activity when walking to pick up a scooter or to their final destination after the ride. This is particularly relevant in the context of micromobility, where the goal is to facilitate short, convenient trips.

However, it is important to note that the impact of shared scooters on physical activity can vary depending on individual circumstances and the broader urban environment. For instance, a dense city with a well-established scooter sharing system might see different results than a more suburban area.

Electric Scooters and Air Pollution

Urban mobility isn’t just about how people move around; it also has environmental implications. A key concern in urban centres is air pollution, primarily caused by vehicular emissions. The rise of electric scooters offers a potential pathway towards more sustainable mobility.

A cross-sectional study in the Journal of Transport & Health (DOI: 10.1016/j.jth.2019.100853) analysed the impact of electric scooters on air pollution. The study found that replacing car trips with scooter rides can significantly reduce air pollution levels. It’s worth noting that electric scooters produce zero tailpipe emissions, contributing to cleaner air in urban areas.

Furthermore, the adoption of shared scooter systems can amplify these environmental benefits. They can serve a large number of users without significantly increasing resource consumption or waste generation. Shared scooter systems are thus an important component of sustainable mobility strategies.

However, the environmental impact of electric scooters is not entirely positive. Issues such as battery disposal and the energy consumption of scooter manufacturing and maintenance need to be addressed.


The impact of electric scooters on urban mobility in the UK is multifaceted. From a user perspective, electric scooters offer a convenient and fun mode of transport. They have reshaped urban travel patterns, reducing car usage and enhancing public transport. They have also been shown to increase micromobility and physical activity levels. From an environmental perspective, scooters can contribute to cleaner urban air by replacing car trips. However, to fully realise their potential, challenges around safety, regulation, and environmental sustainability need to be addressed.

As we move forward, it is clear that electric scooters and shared scooter systems will continue to play a significant role in urban mobility. The extent of their impact will depend not only on technological advances but also on policy decisions, urban planning, and public attitudes towards this new mode of transport. As the scooter trials continue across the UK, it will be interesting to see how these dynamics unfold.